Dental Implants

Dental Implants: The Woodlands, Texas

Woodlands, Texas Dental Implant Dr.Dental Implants Can Renew Your Smile and Give You Confidence
People lose their teeth for a variety of reasons including infection, gum disease, decay, accidents or other trauma. When we do lose them, it can cause a variety of other problems. The teeth can begin to shift, rotate and become crooked which can lead to bite problems and difficulties in chewing your food properly. No one wants to have these problems but if left untreated, they could occur.

Having missing teeth can have an effect also on your self-esteem and confidence. They look cute on little kids but it is a much different story for adults. The spaces and gaps that can be caused by missing teeth can cause embarrassment as well as speech problems and even effect our ability to get a job. People who have replaced missing teeth with implants have reported that their ability to eat and chew their food improved dramatically and they had a renewed confidence while speaking.

Implants are also a great solution for those who have dentures or don’t want to lose good tooth structure for a bridge. What ever the reasons, dental implants can be a great solution for you to have a strong and natural looking smile.

What is a dental implant

Dental implants are a man made tooth root, and when a crown is put on top, it creates a new tooth that works, looks, and feels like a regular tooth. As an artificial tooth, a dental implant produces long-lasting, great results. Dental implants are placed as a clear, amazing alternative to bridges, dentures, and partials with a high success rate, restoring your smile for the long term.

First, we surgically place the implant in the jawbone. We may also make diet recommendations to you in order for the healing process to be its best. Once the implant is placed, the bone around it needs to heal. One reason implants are so strong is because the bone is actually allowed to grow around the implant. This process is called “osseointegration.” Some patients may need several months for the implant to integrate into the bone before placement of the tooth while others can have the implants and the replacement teeth placed all in one day.

The final part of the process is the placement of the custom made tooth. For single tooth implants, you will have a porcelain crown custom made for you that is sized, shaped, colored and fit just for your mouth. Many times a temporary replacement tooth is fashioned first to test the fit and look in the mouth while the permanent one is being fashioned.

The dental implant self test

If you have been thinking about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you may be wondering if you are a candidate for them and for the procedure. Here is a little self test for you:

  • Am I missing one or more teeth?
  • Do I hide my smile and am I embarrassed by my missing teeth?
  • Do I have trouble eating, chewing or speaking properly due to missing teeth?
  • Do I have loose or crooked teeth and am I developing gum disease?
  • Do my dentures slip and do they cause sore spots?
  • Do my dentures need to be constantly relined because of bone resorption?
  • Do I carry my dentures or partials in my pocket and then leave them different places?
  • Are the teeth I have that hold my bridge loosening or moving in some way?
  • Can I wait for the implant process to complete entirely even if it takes some time?
  • Will I commit to a high standard of home care to maintain my implants?
  • Do you believe that your life could be radically changed if you got implants to replace your missing teeth?

If you answered test to these questions, then you are probably a good candidate for dental implants. The first thing you need to do is give us a call and come in for a consultation about the implant procedure. We want to make sure that you have the best experience possible should you choose to get implants.

How long do dental implant last?

Our natural teeth are meant to last us our entire life but the fact is they don’t for a variety of reasons. Most do not last because of improper home care or not getting the treatment we need. The same is true for implants. They must be maintained and cared for just like natural teeth and they should last your a lifetime. No one can make guarantees because the health of a person is dependent on many factors.

Do dental implants require special care?

You need to treat your implant teeth like your natural teeth. You need regular check-ups and make sure you brush and floss also. Remember that taking care of the gums is also a way to make the teeth last.

Is the process painful and how long does it take?

The implant placement usually doesn’t result in much post operative pain or discomfort. The discomfort that does occur can be handled with Tylenol or Advil for about 2 to 5 days. If bone grafts are needed, it could take the treatment process a little longer and require more medication. The anesthesia makes the placement of the implants pain-free. Depending on the complexity of the procedure and how many implants are being placed, it can take between 30 minutes up to 3 or 4 hours.

The Woodlands Dental Implant Dentist Can Help YOU

If you are interested in dental implants and you have questions, then give us a call at (281) 825-4980. We will be happy to answer all your questions and do our best to help you make a decision that is just right for you.