Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry: The Woodlands, Texas

Sedation Dentistry Can Rid You of Fear and Anxiety

sedation dentistry in the woodlands texasWe have many people who come into our office who have anxiety about the treatments or even getting a simple cleaning. Most of the time this is due to a bad experience years ago or something the have heard about and even seen on television. However, advances is dentistry now provide the opportunity for you to have a pain free and anxiety free experience in our office.

Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to help you relax during your dental procedure. There are about 4 levels of sedation which include:

  • Minimal sedation in which you are awake but very relaxed
  • Moderate sedation in which you may slur your words but not remember much of your procedure
  • Deep sedation in which you are on the edge of being conscious but you can still be awakened
  • General anesthesia in which you are completely asleep

The type of sedation that is used is dependent on the type of procedure you are undergoing. That is why it is important for you to have a proper consultation with an experienced sedation dentist who will educate you and inform you as to the proper type of sedation to be used for your treatment.

Our goal is your comfort in order for you to get the treatment you need. Your oral health is the gateway to your overall health and well being and to neglect it can cause you problems health wise down the road. Sedation dentistry is your answer to a more comfortable experience with the dentist.

Who is a candidate for sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the most appropriate for those who have real fear and anxiety about going to the dentist. You are probably thinking that is just about everyone but there are some who don’t have to have sedation.

Here are some people that sedation might be good for:

  • those who have a very low pain threshold
  • those who have trouble sitting still in the dentist chair
  • those who have a bad gag reflex
  • people with sensitive teeth
  • those who may have a large amount of dental work to be completed

A Woodlands sedation dentist can make you comfortable

Sometimes children are given sedation if they have a terrible fear or they become uncooperative during a visit. This can be addressed most of the time with Nitros Oxide which just about any dentist can administer. A smaller percentage of pediatric dentist can administer oral sedation.

Many times people get over their fears after a few visits when they see the doctor and the staff are going to take really good care of them and make them as comfortable as possible. That is why, in our office, we offer a wide variety of comfort solutions. Our office doesn’t even smell like a traditional dental office.

We would love to have you come by and discuss your dental needs with us today and talk about sedation dentistry and how it could help you.