Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers For A Beautiful Smile:  The Woodlands, Texas

Porcelain Veneers The Woodlands TexasIf you are looking for a way to fix minor cosmetic defects in your teeth or just looking for a way to get that million dollar smile, the porcelain veneers might be a great option for you.  Many patients used to go through life embarrassed about their smiles but when they discovered dental veneers, that all changed.

What Can Veneers Fix:

  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Teeth that have become stained or discolored for some reason
  • Teeth with slight decay
  • Worn teeth

Can Veneers Fix Gaps In My Teeth?

Veneers are an excellent option for closing gaps between the teeth.  The size of the gap will determine just how many veneers you will need and the larger the gap, the more veneers you will need in order to have a uniform look to your teeth.  If you have large gap and do not get enough veneers, the ones you do get can and will make your teeth look abnormally large giving you the appearance of “buck teeth” or what others have called “chicklet teeth.”  You end up replacing one problem with another.

Fixing Crooked Teeth

So can veneers fix crooked teeth?  The answer is simply yes.  A few things have to be considered mainly just how crooked the teeth are.  If they are slightly crooked, the veneers can be used to compensate for and correct the problem.  If the teeth are very crooked or even overlapped, then orthodontics may need to be considered and then veneers applied.

Can The Fix Chipped, Cracked and Slightly Worn Teeth?

Minor chips and cracks in your teeth may occur as a result of regular wear, or they may be the result of an accident or minor injury. Chipped and cracked teeth can ruin the cosmetic appearance of your smile.  Porcelain veneers are a sturdy, versatile, highly esthetic alternative to help you regain the beautiful smile you deserve.  How much the tooth is cracked or chipped will determine how the veneer is made.  An impression is made here in our office and then it is sent to the dental lab where they will fashion a veneer for the cracked or chipped tooth.  Dr. Garner will then bond the veneer on to your existing tooth.

Can Veneers Help My Stained Teeth?

If your teeth are extremely dark, discolored or have tetracycline stain, veneers might be an appropriate solution.  A beautiful smile can increase your self-esteem and give you more confidence.  That’s one reason why so many people want a whiter and more natural looking smile.  Veneers can definitely achieve this.

Can Veneers Help With Decayed Teeth?

Veneers can be used to treat decayed teeth or teeth that previously were decayed and now have fillings. Existing decay and old fillings will need to be removed before the veneer can be placed on a tooth. If the decay is too extensive a porcelain crown may be necessary. If that is the case it will be made out of the same material as the other veneers so that it matches exactly. During your consultation appointment Dr. Garner will give you her opinion on the best treatment for your situation.

What Are Veneers Made Of?

Veneers are thin shells of ceramic or some other hybrid material that is affixed to the surface of the tooth.  Veneers are custom designed just for you are carefully color matched.  This means that the shape, color, and translucency will match your existing teeth perfectly if only a few veneers are being done. If you are interested in a more dramatic change we have the ability to create the smile of your choice.

A very small amount of the existing tooth is prepared in order for the veneer to bond to it correctly.  This is essential as it creates room for the porcelain veneer to fit within the mouth and most accurately restore natural tooth function while creating a better appearance than the original tooth.  There are also “no prep” veneers.  Which one is right for you will be decided between you and the doctor after an exam and consultation.

For teeth that have normal discoloration, whitening may be a great solution.  However, for teeth that are abnormally discolored, you may want to consider veneers.  Porcelain veneers allow you to totally control the esthetics, color and contour of your teeth.

Cost of Veneers

This is the number one question concerning veneers.  There is no really firm answer as the cost will vary depending on the condition of the teeth and the material that is used.  Most veneers are made of a really hard porcelain material.  There are other materials that are used but most don’t last as long or look as good.

How Long Should Veneers Last?

This really depends on the type of material that is used for making the veneer but it also depends on how well you take care of them after you get them.  You have to care for veneers just like you do your natural teeth.  Your veneers are for smiling and chewing, using them as a tool to open packages or biting fingernails will shorten their life expectancy.

Once you get your veneers, you need to make sure you brush and floss.  Not taking care of your veneers will cause you to end up in the shape your were before you got them.  There are those who have gotten veneers which cover the front side of the teeth who then got decay on the backside of their teeth because they didn’t take care of them.  Porcelain veneers do not make you immune to other oral health problems.

If you have questions about getting veneers, then call our office today for a consultation.  (281) 825-4980